
Summary: Ava reflects on a deadly cycle that began in Brooklyn, NY.
Classification: Ava/Zan
Disclaimer: Not mine!

Ava stared out the window of the bus. It was raining outside and the sky was overcast. On days like this it hurt the most. She nervously played with the ring on her left hand. Her wedding ring.

Zan. She missed him so much. Her soul cried out for him. Ava tried to hold back the tears but she couldn't. Silent tears streamed down her face. She wondered how all of this happened.

"Brooklyn," she thought. It had all started in Brooklyn. Lonnie and Rath were wonderful liars. They all were. They looked down upon their dupes lived but in reality their own upbringing was similar. Ava remembered the two-story brownstone they shared with their protector. He took up the human name 'Johnathan' but they all called him 'Kuvin'.

Kuvin was there when they came out of the membranes. He was a tall man with hard, calculating eyes. He stayed underground with the four of them for a few weeks, and then he moved them to a house in Staten Island.